The Robb Report does an annual list of the top most innovative luxury companies in the world. Business Name was included on that list. Business Name is a company that has overcome subversion to become one of the world’s leading producers of luxury cigars. Making a Stand Davidoff was located in Havana when the Cuban government tried to claim 51 percent of their business in 1989. Owner Zino Davidoff burned $3 million dollars worth of cigars in a public display of revolt claiming the 130,000 cigars were unfit to smoke. The company made a move to the Dominican Republic the following year where Zino continued to hone the perfection of his line of fine cigars including his exclusive Grand Cru line introduced back in 1946. Steeped in History Zino’s father started his first cigar shop in Geneva after fleeing his home in Russia in 1911. He gained renown with local businessmen and his shop was thriving by 1930. His decision to import Havana cigars attracted a circle of very influential men including members of government and high society. Zino was granted permission to create his own brand of cigars back in 1967. Within three years the Davidoff brand was purchased by Oettinger Imex AG company and Zino remained ambassador for the Davidoff brand until his death at the age of 88 in 1994. The Company Today The company is now run under the name of Oettinger Davidoff Group and is known as one of the world’s premium lines of cigars. Discount Davidoff Cigars are often sought after by cigar afficianados seeking the rich and distinct flavor of the premium brand. Lines of cigars include Davidoff as well as Camacho, Avro, and Zino Platinum. The cigars are carried by over 500 world-wide authorized retailers. Quality...
Display your Flat Screen TV with a New TV Swivel Wall Mount...
posted by Paola Nadeau
Electronics are moving ahead so quickly that it is hard to keep up with the newest innovations. One of the best and newest types of electronics available today is flat screen televisions. Everyone who is anyone would love to have a flat screen television. They have a great picture; they are clear and bright, and simple to move. The only down side to a flat screen is that they are a little bit too light weighted. They can be easily tipped over, if they aren’t put up properly. The best way to install a great new flat screen television is with a TV swivel wall mount. Just about anyone can install a television wall mount, but that doesn’t mean that they should. A big flat screen television is expensive, so it is important to make sure that when you put it up on the wall, you know that it is going to stay in place. If you have a brand new television, most people would want a professional to install the TV swivel wall mount. When a professional installs your wall mount, then you know that it will be in the right place and that it is going to stay up. There are different types of wall mounts, but one of the best ones is one that swivels. With a swivel tv wall mount, you have the option to move your television to and fro. You can look straight at the television from your favorite chair, or you can move it so that you can let your guests see it from any point in the room. You can change your mind if you want everyday, about which way the television faces, and it is simple to use. When you get the chance to buy...
Diamonds in Reston: All You Need to Know...
posted by Paola Nadeau
Buying a diamond is a major investment. Besides the various colors, cuts and settings available in diamond jewelry, you’ll also want to consider clarity, weight and several other important factors that could play into your decision. Before purchasing diamond jewelry, it’s best to have a basic understanding of what diamonds are and their value. Learn more about diamonds before making the move to own one. Diamond Cut Diamonds are not naturally oval or “princess” shaped. Before they are cut, they look more like pieces of glass than actual diamonds. Diamonds must be delicately cut and polished to achieve the brilliant look of a finished diamond seen set in rings, bracelets and necklaces. Consider the cut when purchasing a diamond. Some people prefer the elegant look of a round or marquise diamond, while others like the simplicity of an emerald or pear shaped diamond. Carat Weight Diamonds in Reston can be found in a wide variety of sizes and weight. Their quality and size are used to determine their “grade” and value. Diamonds are measured universally in carats. Larger, pure diamonds are rarely found in nature, making them of higher value. Carats are also divided into “points.” For example, one carat equals 100 points. Therefore, a ½ carat diamond would be 0.5 carats. A diamond’s size and weight will merely depend on the individual wants and needs of the customer. Diamond Clarity Most diamonds have natural blemishes on their surface, known as “inclusions.” This is because a large majority of all diamonds have miniscule traces of gasses, minerals or other elements that become trapped inside during the crystallization process. Like birth marks, these inclusions are always unique and many cannot be seen with the naked eye. Less than 1 percent of all diamonds have no...
Diamonds In Bethesda – Three Diamond Ring Settings...
posted by Paola Nadeau
The beauty of a piece of jewelry will not only be reflected through the metal type and the clarity of the gems you choose but also, through the settings that you select for diamonds in Bethesda. Various ring settings are available to buyers with pave, channel and prong being the most popular. If you are buying a diamond ring, you will likely be investing in this jewelry as a gift or a token of your love. Whatever the reason, it is vital that you make a ring favorable for the person wearing it, so that it can be worn on a regular basis. Building the perfect ring for someone is easy when you discover three different ring settings for diamonds in Bethesda. Diamonds In Bethesda – Pave Setting The pave setting for diamonds in Bethesda can be noticed when a ring is clustered by tiny diamonds. This technique is widely chosen because it looks very elegant and strategically done. The reason for this being called the pave setting is because it looks much like a pavement, where tiles or slabs are carefully placed in a tight-knit pattern. Holes will be drilled into the ring with this setting, so that small diamonds in Bethesda can be placed inside. The pave setting comprises of many rows of diamonds and while it appears they are touching, they actually are not. With the pave setting, the final result will look better when the diamonds are cut perfectly. Diamonds In Bethesda – Channel Setting Another setting when buying rings complete with diamonds in Bethesda will be the channel setting. This option looks very sleek and simple, while creating an ever-lasting effect. Metal bars cordon off each of the diamonds in Bethesda, so they look very close but spaced enough...
Unique Options for Body Piercing in Denver, CO...
posted by Paola Nadeau
Body piercing in Denver, CO, is widely available in malls, specialty shops and even big discount stores. The question is what kind of piercing do you want, and do you want the piercing to be installed properly and have a good chance at successfully healing? Today’s options range from the subtle to showpiece and cover – literally – every part of the body. However, always make sure you visit a piercing and tattoo shop that has a good reputation and experienced professionals. Basic Piercings A basic piercing involves inserting a piece of jewelry through part of the skin. Some of the most common piercings are for ear lobes. Even babies have the work done. That does not mean all piercings are safe or free from problems. Most exotic jobs need to be handled by a professional body artist to keep you safe and free from problems like infection. Tongue piercings can be especially problematic to pierce on your own because of the presence of major blood vessels running on the underside of your tongue. While most likely non-life threatening, if you make the wrong move you could bleed excessively and risk a trip to the emergency room. Basic piercings are not the place to save money on a DIY mission. Find a qualified tattoo and body shop artist to help you with placement and jewelry selection. You can trust a responsible establishment to be able to offer you accurate advice on aftercare and to use sterilized equipment. Stretching or Gauging Stretching or “gauging” your piercings has been common throughout human history, but is somewhat new to the commercial body art industry. Instead of a smaller gauge piece of jewelry in an ear lobe or nostril, a different style of jewelry is inserted such as...
How to Choose the Right Tattoo in Boulder, CO...
posted by Paola Nadeau
Even though tattoo removal may be an option in some cases, it is always important to treat a tattoo in Boulder, CO, as a permanent decision for your body. Many people use tattoos as a way to express themselves, showing the world what is important to them. However, some people know they want a tattoo but have difficulty deciding on a design. If you are one of those people, there are some tips to help you choose the right design for your tattoo. Think Ahead Because a tattoo is a permanent change, it is extremely important to think ahead. For instance, will the tattoo you are considering be something you still enjoy in 10 years? What about 15 or 20 years? If you are at all unsure, it is best not to move forward with that design. You need to be sure you are choosing something you will be happy with in the long-term because it isn’t likely you will be able to remove it later. Reflect Something Important Many people want a tattoo in Boulder, CO, that reflects something that is important to them. Some people get tattoos that represent their children, pets or another special loved one. Others want to get something that relates to their hobbies, career or other talents. No matter what you choose, it should be something you enjoy now and are likely to still enjoy as you go through life. Always remember it is something you must live with. Don’t Follow Trends Trends change quickly. If you are thinking of getting a tattoo that reflects the latest trends, rethink your decision. If you really think you like it for what it is and not as a trend, wait for a year or two when the trend will fade....