Troubleshooting a Remote Operated Garage Door Nov20

Troubleshooting a Remote Operated Garage Door...

Having a garage Door Opener in Troy MI is a useful tool for those who do not wish to alight from their cars to open the door or for those who find the door to heavy to open comfortably. However, like every other electro-mechanical device failure will happen. The average garage door opens and closes about 1500 times a year and certain components of a garage door will fail in about 10,000 operations, the springs are one of these failure points, the garage door opener is also prone to failure. If your automatic garage door opener fails to perform, there are a few things to look before calling for service on your garage Door Opener in Troy MI. The garage door runs in tracks mounted on either side of the door, check the vertical tracks to make sure that nothing is blocking the doors path. Make sure you car is completely inside the garage and past the path of the door and make sure nothing has rolled into the up and down path. Any object that breaks the path of the bottom sensor will cause the door to malfunction.There are two infrared sensors mounted on remote electric garage door openers. These sensors must be lined up perfectly with each or you will not be able to close the door unless you hold the close button continuously. To adjust the position of the sensors place an item on the garage floor that is very close to the bottom of the sensor casing, which is flat. The sensor is held in position by screws, loosen the screws until you can adjust the sensor position by moving it either up or down. Once both sensors are in the correct position the garage Door Opener in Troy MI...