Many people collect old baseball cards as a hobby and for personal gratification. There are some passionate baseball card collectors who resell and trade their collected cards with other collectors both offline and online. The challenging part of having your own collection of baseball cards is the completion of an entire collection set. Today, the old cards of famous vintage players are quite in demand and are much more valuable. The rarity and conditions of the cards are two important factors that must be considered in determining the real value of an old baseball card. Typically, the conditions of any rookie card dictate its demand. The first published cards of players are the most sought after by sports enthusiasts and collectors. The value of a baseball card also depends on the perception of the baseball player’s career performance. Grading companies are usually the ones who provide value to a collectible item. These companies are trained and neutral in evaluating the actual worth of any type of sports collectibles. The first set of collectible cards was produced in the year 1886 until 1887. It includes 55 baseball cards of great sports players published by Allen and Ginter in Richmond, Virginia. Charles Comiskey and Cap Anson are among the famous players appearing in this baseball card edition. The most famous and expensive rookie card is the Honus Wagner. This card was produced in the year 1909 and it has obtained a price of $2.35 million during an auction held last February 2007. In the year 1888, the first collections of exclusively devoted collectors of old baseball cards were published. The Old Judges Company was the one who published these unnumbered baseball cards. There was no information provided on the number of cards that comprised the complete...