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Deciding Points in Child Custody Cases with a Family Court Attorney in Suffolk County, NY

A family court attorney in Suffolk County, NY can be of assistance if you are in a divorce or separation in Long Island and there are children involved in the case. The divorce or separation can be difficult but in some cases it can be even harder to get a case handled when children are being thrown in. This is due to how there are several factors that relate to deciding who gets custody. Your attorney can assist you in getting a fair result in this kind of case.

Proving Responsibility

One of the ways how a family court attorney can operate involves looking to find when is going to be the more responsible parent. Part of this includes defending you as a responsible person who is going to help the child through this process. The goal is to make sure that you are portrayed by your attorney as a competent parent who is capable of providing the right services and functions for your child’s welfare.

Primary Caretaker Considerations

One deciding point in a case involves the caretaking responsibilities between the parents. In some cases a court might side with whoever is deemed to be the child’s primary caretaker. This refers to the person who does the most for the child who has to be handled. Your family court attorney in Suffolk County, NY may be capable of assisting your case with regards to proving your caretaking abilities.

The case that you may have should be reviewed with all of your children in mind. This is to see if you are capable of working with these children. In some cases you might have the right to have custody of some of the children you might have depending on what is found in a case. Only a court can figure this out for certain. Your attorney should help to get the ruling to properly work in your favor in any case.

The Form of Custody

Sometimes the type of child custody case that is being used is going to influence what happens. Your attorney may suggest that you seek an appropriate form of custody in your case. This could prove to work better for your case depending on whether or not you are a suitable parent and if the other person in the case is too much of a risk. Some forms of custody that your attorney can review include: •

Sole custody •

Joint custody •

Physical custody, as in who has the right to handle physical services for the child •

Legal custody with regards to who is legally capable of making specific legal decisions on the child’s behalf

The ability of your family court attorney in Suffolk County, NY to assist you with getting a decision over the custody of your child taken care of is important to review. Your attorney should be capable of supporting your case by making sure that a fair assessment is given with your case. The goal is to allow something to work out right for your needs and for the needs of your child or children.

Family Court Attorney Suffolk County, NY – Mitchell M. Shapiro serves people in Long Island with several services relating to how well children are being handled in a legal case. Visit http://www.longislandlegal.net/ to learn about the services that Shapiro uses for family law needs.