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Choosing a Mat for Your Texas Salon That’s Comfortable and Stylish

If you work in a salon, then you know that the days can be long and that you’re often on your feet for many hours at a time. A mat that provides the support that your feet need is an item that you want to have in your salon at each station so that you’re a bit more comfortable during the day. Here are some details to keep in mind when you begin your search.

What Can You Afford?

The first detail to consider is your budget. You need to think about how much you can afford to spend on salon mats, how long you want them to last, and how many you need to purchase. Some of the things that can impact the price of the mats that you look at include the overall design, the size, and the material.

Overall Style

When you look at salon mats, think about the other details in the salon. The mats should easily fit underneath the chairs and should have edges that slope as this can allow for easy walking from the area near the chair to other areas in the salon. You should also look at the colors that are available as you want to get something that matches the chairs and the other features.

How Thick?

A detail that you don’t want to overlook is how thick the mat is that you purchase. As mats get thicker, they’re usually going to provide more support. However, you don’t want to go too thick as it could end up getting squishy over time and making it difficult to stand. A mat of about half an inch is a good thickness to consider.