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Pennsylvania Roadways Can Be Dangerous

If asked, most Pennsylvania residents would say that they understand that the potential for an accident is present every time they drive their cars on Pennsylvania roadways. However, most of us do not fully consider that potential every time we hop into our vehicles to go to work, to the store, on an outing, or to take the kids to school. One Pennsylvania couple was vividly reminded of that reality this week when they witnessed an accident in a Pennsylvania township that involved a tanker truck and sent the driver of a car to the hospital.

According to eyewitnesses, the accident happened when the elderly driver of a car failed to stop when entering Route 220 from Wolcott Hollow Road in Athens Township. The car crashed into a tanker truck that was loaded with 2,500 gallons of diesel at the time of the accident. The truck rolled over two times before coming to a stop in the middle of Route 220, where it began leaking fuel onto the roadway.

The couple that witnessed the accident was reminded by Pennsylvania State Troopers that had it not been for the tanker truck driving in the opposite lane, they would most likely have been involved in the accident as they would have been in the car’s path. As it was, the car that the couple was driving in narrowly missed being involved in the accident as the tanker truck barely missed the vehicle as it flipped over.

The accident closed Pennsylvania Route 220 for nearly seven hours as workers responded to the accident victims and then cleared the roadway. The name of the car driver had not yet been released at the time of the news report, nor was it clear if any charges were going to be filed. The fire and police departments of Athens Township responded to the accident scene, as did the Pennsylvania State Police. The driver of the vehicle was taken by ambulance to an area hospital with serious injuries.

The narrow miss by this couple, the injured elderly driver, and the twice-flipped tanker truck all serve to remind each of us that an accident can happen on Pennsylvania roadways at any moment. Sometimes accidents are simply that: unavoidable instances where circumstances combine and lead to calamity. However, more often than not, an accident results when one person is negligent, inattentive, or reckless.

If you have been the victim of an accident due to another’s fault, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact an accident attorney who is licensed to practice in Pennsylvania to determine if you have a personal injury case. If you do, your accident attorney in Pennsylvania will help to ensure that your rights are protected and that you get all of the remuneration to which you are entitled.

Accident Attorney Pennsylvania – If you have been involved in an accident in Pennsylvania, Rosenbaum & Associates are committed to providing excellent legal counsel to accident injury victims. When you meet with a Rosenbaum & Associates accident attorney in Pennsylvania, you can rest assured that you will have aggressive and comprehensive representation in your corner. We may be able to reach a settlement for you without going to trial, but if we do end up in court, be assured that Rosenbaum & Associates will get you the results that you deserve. Call Rosenbaum & Associates today at 1.800.LEGAL-7 or Visit our website.