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How Physical Rehab can put you back on Your Feet

Surgeries, injuries and illness often result in pain and suffering that cause loss in mobility, ability to perform daily tasks and even loss in speech or some other faculty. Rehab is often a lengthy and tedious process of learning to cope under new circumstances. The types of physical rehab may be of different types depending on the illness, injury or surgery. Some of the areas of focus for rehab are:

  • Physical therapy for improvement of mobility, strength and fitness
  • Occupational therapy to help you perform your daily chores and personal activities, like bathing and dressing
  • Speech-language therapy to help you to relearn swallowing, speaking, comprehending, reading and writing
  • Pain management

In most states in USA a physician’s referral is not always mandatory for taking an appointment with a physical therapist. The therapist can help you in a host of conditions like arthritis, back pain, knee pain, obesity, osteoporosis, overuse injuries, shoulder pain, stroke, fractures, strains and sprains etc. as well as improve your general fitness. The job of your therapist is to develop a personalized plan to address and evaluate your condition; the plan of care should put you back on the path to wellness. Whether you are suffering from diabetes or recovering from stroke the physical therapist will work on your condition to help you in regaining mobility. The exercises and therapies may range from improving muscle mass, to applying techniques in promoting motor recovery after a stroke. Stroke is the number three cause of death in the US. Those who might survive a stroke are very likely to suffer a serious long-term debilitating disability. A trained professional will be able to make an appropriate plan for you or your loved one to regain function and cope with the new disability and challenges of having some mobility lost or reduced substantially.

Physical rehab is also advised when you are recovering from some injuries like trauma, car accidents or work related injuries or as a side effect of a recent surgery. A range of innovative therapies like manual therapy, aquatic therapy, palliative therapy (Laser, electric stimulation, Fluidotherapy, ultrasound, diathermy, heat therapy, ice therapy, ultrasound etc.), Kinesio Taping etc. are among the wide range of therapies your physical rehab center may have on offer. Pain management is another reason for visiting the rehab center. Many sports related injuries, regular disuse injuries may be treated by a specially trained staff for physical rehab. Philadelphia residents can avail the services of trained experts specializing in physical therapy.

Physical Rehab Philadelphia – If you are looking for therapeutic treatment and physical rehab, Philadelphia based Oxford Rehab offer premium rehab services by highly trained Chiropractors and Acupuncture Therapists.