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To Make A Great Impression, Only The King Of Laserjet Printers Will Do

Whether you need to print a one-page document, or a 500-page business proposal, nothing looks quite as good as a document produced on a LaserJet printer. And the undisputed king of this class of printers is undoubtedly the HP LaserJet printer.

Nothing can beat the quality of output produced by a LaserJet printer. Whether it’s for stand-alone use, a networked printer, one that’s supporting small or large work-groups, a desk top unit or a floor standing printer, there’s an HP LaserJet printer that’s just right for you.

Renowned for its robustness, the HP LaserJet printer is more than simply a printing machine. Today, HP produces printers that can easily be dubbed “business support centers”, meaning they can do many of the tasks that a small business support group would do for you. Depending on the make and model, an HP LaserJet printer will print, sort, collate, punch and staple documents of many shapes and sizes.

Whether your application is for a colored output, or for a black-and white print, your HP LaserJet printer will deliver exceptional results. With its ability to use multiple paper sizes, whether it’s A3, A4, Letter, Ledger or a blend of custom sizes, you can use it to print large posters, small handbooks and pamphlets, company newsletters and memos, or any other document you can think of.

The HP LaserJet printer also supports a range of paper types, depending on what the application is. So you can use one printer to produce different types of documents, from photo-finished glossy photographs, to mat-finished product brochures, to high-quality certificates and smaller sized coupons and labels. No job is too big or too small for the LaserJet.

Gone are the days when it would take a minute to print a single page, using older printing technologies. Today, you have a huge range of selections for the HP LaserJet printer that fits your business needs. Depending on the desired application, whether it’s color or black-and-white, whether it’s high-density or normal, whether it’s draft mode or final versions that you are printing, your LaserJet printer can produce anything from 12 pages per minute to whopping 62 pages per minute – sometimes even higher depending on the document and application.

And for networked users, especially when used by work-groups connected to a LAN or a WAN, the HP LaserJet printer offers unparalleled network security and printer administration functions. You can enable or disable specific functionality, restrict certain users or work-groups to using certain features, and monitor print usage for the entire work group.

In large corporate environments, these features can come in extremely handy when you want to implement usage-based Cost-center specific inter-company billing protocols. Your intelligent LaserJet printer will faithfully remember and tell you who used the printer, when, and for how many copies.

To truly impress your readers, only an HP laserjet printer will do! PC Warehouse offers you a vast range of cost-effective LaserJet printers from the pioneer of LaserJet printing.