It is the finality of every living being in this world and that is none other than death. An old saying goes that the only guarantees in life are death and taxes and perhaps that is true. Death is after all the great equalizer. It is that one thing that everyone will experience and that no one can avoid. Death is merely a formality that people have to go through at the conclusion of their lives. It is after all as fundamental an element of life as birth itself. Death though is not something that should be met with glum faces and sullen demeanors for it is the very presence of death that gives people all the more reason to celebrate the gift of life. It is the very vulnerability of life that should give people more incentive to pursue all the things that make life so worth living. One cannot dwell on the inescapable truths of life and as such it would be better for one to experience all the wonderful things about life and then let the chips fall where they may at its end. Death should indeed be greeted by acceptance and an appropriate amount of grief. There are times when death is simply not the liberator from the grasp of Earth that it is and is instead something that more resembles a thief that is allowed to steal away something precious because of carelessness and lack of accountability. Life is so valuable that allowing it to end by such unceremonious manners is not only wrong but downright criminal. The taking of a life is something that no other person should have a hand in and when that is the case then justice must be clamored for. The workplace for instance...