What Businesses in Fresno Should Consider When Purchasing a Liftgate...

If it is time for your business to purchase a liftgate, you may feel unsure about what choice to make. Here are a few tips to help you as you search for Tommy Liftgate dealers in Fresno CA. These tips will help you choose a liftgate that will fit your current needs and that will be suitable as your business grows. The first thing to consider when buying a liftgate is the size of the cargo load. The options you will have for lifts include light, medium, and heavy-duty. If you are unsure about the best option for you, talk with Tommy Liftgate dealers in Fresno CA. You may need a custom liftgate that is built to your specifications. Most standard liftgates can handle anywhere from 1,000 to 5,000 pounds. The second thing to consider is the height of the liftgate. You also want to consider if it should be a laden or unladen lift. An unladen gate will look at the height measurement of a truck that does not have any cargo. The third thing to consider is the type of energy that will be used to power the lift. You may want to use a separate battery or use the truck’s battery to power the liftgate. There are advantages and disadvantages to both options. If the liftgate will only be used a few times a week, it may be best to just use the truck battery. Learn how Ruckstell California Sales Co specializes in quality truck bodies, equipment for government fleets, and liftgates by visiting the following website...