How Thyroid Metabolism Rates Affect Your Health...

The thyroid plays a vital role in regulating the metabolism of the human body. There are essentially two important thyroid hormones, T3 and T4. The main function of the gland in the endocrine system is to manage body metabolism. This means it helps your body to split food, as well as convert it for stamina and energy. Different types of food act as fuels. These fuels have to be burnt at various rates. However, people do not have the same rate of metabolism. Some have a high rate, while others have a low rate. When the gland is not active, the rate of metabolism is affected. What can happen, if the metabolism rate will slow down? Thyroid disorders are not unusual. There are around 200 million people, who suffer from various symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, constipation, weak nails, hair loss, menstrual irregularities and infertility. However, the list does not end here. There are others, who suffer from panic attacks, depression, low sexual desire, swollen limbs and face, as well as insomnia. It is noticed that women are susceptible to suffer from these problems than men. Women face the threat of facing these problems, as they age. One out of seven adults can suffer due to low rate of metabolism. Moreover, when there is inadequate production of T4, people suffer from Hypothyroidism. This can also be caused die to the inability of converting T4 to T3. Doctors say that insufficient production of T4 or thyroxine is because of the lack of nutrients, as well as adrenal stress. Most people go for frequent check ups and blood tests, in order to understand the function of the thyroid. Through the tests, people can get a comprehensive measurement of T4 and T3 production. In addition, they...