So That’s What It Is...

It was a miserable day – I had a nasty bout of ‘flu and was holed up in my bed. However, I hate to waste time, particularly so with being ill. So I put my computer next to me and began to play with various web sites. I came across one that was entitled Social Media Marketing. What on earth is that? I read further. I didn’t even know that Facebook and Twitter was a social media. So, enlightened I continued to read. It seems that if you have a website that is advertising your business then you can get people to look at it through Social Media Marketing. There are companies that will develop your website so that it ‘talks’ to other websites or other social media. A fairly new addition to the Social Media Marketing arena is Twitter. This is a media which only has short messages and so your advertising message is more likely to be read by the recipients than a long advertorial. It is obvious that the more people who read your advertising tweet will result in more sales. It also has the advantage of being instantaneous because it reaches people through their cell phone. So if for example, you were advertising a bar-b-cue then your tickets would likely be sold out before the meat was cooked. Those adverts you see on the right hand side of your Facebook page. They are very cleverly deposited there by Social Media Marketing companies. These advertorials are linked to your personal web searches so they are always of some interest to you. Every Facebook user has a different set of advertisements linked to his or her computer. You will most likely need a Social Media Marketing company to arrange your website and...