The Importance of Using an Inoculant for Peas from Israel on Crops...

The amount of money you spend on seed peas compels you to consider ways to protect your field and impending harvest. You want every plant in the field to grow to its maximum yield. You want to protect your entire crop from threats like fungal and viral infections that can dwarf or kill it. You also want to use something that is safe and will not harm the quality or safety of your pea crop. Your solution could be to use a product like an inoculant for peas when you plant your field. Convenience When you harvest your peas, you do not want to have to waste time or money disinfecting it before you take it to the elevator. You want to be able to load up your truck beds and haul the entire crop in for sale quickly and conveniently. When you use a product that essentially inoculates your plants, you avoid having to take time to rinse and wash away residue from fertilizers or sprays. You can simply load up the harvest, drive to the elevator and get your crop weighed and paid out quickly. You can also protect your crops from infections just as well without having to worry about the effectiveness or quality of the peas you harvest. You can find out more about using a product like an inoculant for peas online. Contact DYNOMYCO to get more information...