Key things to Know about DWI, Burleson TX...

You are charged with DWI, Burleson TX whenever you are driving under intoxication at any time of the day or night. The arresting officer usually uses breathalyzers to test for the levels of alcohol. Chemical testing procedures may be done after the arrest to determine the exact level of intoxication. The charges may not be limited to alcohol alone but also to other drugs that cause intoxication. You will be arrested in such a case because the law warns against driving after consuming alcohol. The severity of the charges you face will be determined by the level of alcohol found in your blood, the driving record and persons on board. DWI charges are likely to be more serious if there was a child on board while you were driving. This is because the law considers this as endangering the life of the child. Therefore you will face more charges and you may be denied custody of your children in case the court finds you guilty. A bad driving record is also a disadvantage to your case. If you have been arrested in the past for driving when you are intoxicated, you are likely to get a more severe punishment. Any other driving offense will also be used against you when you are arrested. The penalty for DWI charges includes jail term, fines, losing your driving certificate or it might be as serious as losing your children’s custody. Losing a driving certificate can be a big blow especially if you use your car daily to move from one place to another. You will be left in financial crisis after paying huge fines to the court and a jail sentence will keep you away from your family and take up time for your business. A good...