Tips to Spot a Fake Discount Chanel Purse...

Chanel is a popular fashion brand founded in 1909 by pioneer French fashion designer, Gabrielle Bonheur ‘Coco’ Chanel. Her extraordinary influence on fashion was such that she became the only couturier to enter the list of Top 100 Most Important People of the Century by Forbes magazine. Due to the popularity of the brand and the high end price tag attached to its products, not many people can afford it. However, many companies sell authentic discount Chanel purses that are pre-owned whereas many sell replicas. Therefore while you are selecting one make sure that you know how to spot the fake, so that you don’t end up being duped. Guidelines to Spot a Fake Discount Chanel Purse Following are a few simple things to remember in order to avoid buying replica discount Chanel purses: Craftsmanship: If you have hand felt a Chanel purse you would know that the authentic purses are made from the finest material and fabric. Do not purchase from retailers who sell you bags made from faux leather as Chanel does not deal with that material. Calfskin or goatskin is popularly used to manufacture the authentic bags. Identify loose or uneven stitches on the bag. Discount Chanel purse that have logos merely printed on them instead of engraved or embroidered are also mere replicas. On the Inside: Most authentic Chanel purses have a Chanel logo embossed on the inside in gold or silver. Check to make sure that the color and pattern of the inside logo would match with that on the outside or on the zip puller. If the tag is missing or anything is misspelled, the bag is clearly a cheap knockoff. Also, do not settle for the tags that say anything apart from ‘Made in Italy’ or ‘Made...