Smoking leads to dental implant complications...

For a dental implant to work, it must integrate with the oral bones. A condition called peri-implantitis can be developed by dental implants. This condition causes inflammation in and around the dental muscles and bones and this situation leads to development of deep mucosal pockets. These conditions are more susceptible with smokers. Smokers have a good chance to face these developments which are responsible for improper dental implants. Increased friction of implant bone caused due to peri-implantitis results in implant failure. Findlay has seen many such cases where people have had unsuccessful implants due to peri-implantitis. Dentists at Findlay, OH encourage their patients to quit smoking in order to improve their dental and oral health. Various studies conducted by dentists all over USA have proved the connection between dental implants and smoking. Dentists at Findlay, OH have the required technology and knowledge to control the complications which leads to dental implant failures. Effects of smoking on your dental health Ideally, proper blood circulation is required by dental implants for them to heal faster. Integration of the implants with dental bone depends on the amount of oxygen your implant gets. It is proved that Nicotine affect your blood negatively and lowers the amount of oxygen in your blood. Nicotine also affects your blood flow which prolongs your after surgery recuperation process. Smokers are also more prone to oral infections. Smokers are easy targets to periodontal dental diseases and bone loss. Smoking lowers the effect of antibiotics which is provided before and after the implant surgery. Since smoking affects the healing ability of the body, dentists at Findlay, OH can help you understand this better. Smoking leads to serious dental and physical problems. Your physical health could be damaged by smoking. According to dentists at Findlay,...

Kick The Butt For Good Dental Hygiene...

Smoking is injurious to health. Heard this before? Well, then here is an eyeopener, “smoking is bad for your teeth”. It does sound a bit unusual, but it is quite true. Smoking cigarettes is not just the only one to blame, smokeless tobacco, hookah parlors and cigars are equally responsible for dental problems. The biggest danger that smoking might result into is oral cancer. Symptoms such as red or white patches in gums and lips, difficulty in chewing are some warning signs for oral cancer. If ear ache suddenly starts troubling, do not ignore the symptom. It is one of those warnings that is often ignored and leaves oral cancer untreated at the right time. So if the next time such symptoms pops up, schedule an appointment with your dentist in Findlay, OH as soon as possible. Procrastination might turn it into a bigger problem within no time. Damage to gum tissues is another ill effect caused due to smoking. Receding gums, an irreversible process might finally result into tooth decay. Tooth sensitivity is another of the problem that smoking causes. It also causes halitosis, bad breath in simpler words. Heavy smoking might make room for stains that are hard to remove with timely brushing. Plaque and tartar are some other serious dental problems that results because of smoking and needs cleaning to get rid of. There is a common myth that tobacco if not chewed and simply inhaled does not cause much trouble. But the reality is quite the opposite and tobacco consumption in any form, be it chewing or inhaling results in dental and oral problems, oral cancer being the worst case scenario. It is surprising to note that even smokeless tobacco in the form of dip and chew contains nicotine few...