Finding Fulfillment in Life...

Sometimes it is difficult to lead a fulfilling life. You may go from home to job and back again endlessly, wondering what life is all about. You may even doubt and fear that you have no place in the world. Finding fulfillment can be difficult especially when you are feeling alone, unhappy in your job or that you are lacking purpose. Sometimes it takes a little guidance to help us find our way and God is always there to offer strength and hope. God can also offer you assistance through prayer and provide direction through a personal prophecy. Whether you pursue a free Prophecy Online or speak to a prophet in person, a personal prophecy is just one way to find fulfillment in life. Pursue your Love Often we possess God given talents that we allow to go to waste. For example perhaps you have musical talent through a lovely singing voice or the gift to play a musical instrument. Using God to guide you on how to use your talents can often be found through a personal prophecy. However talents can also be put to good use. If you have musical talent join the choir or offer to play the organ or an instrument at church. If you can write, offer to assist with newsletters or use your talents to help spread the word of God. If you are good at math consider becoming a tutor. Look to the path of the righteous and use your talents for good instead of self gain to experience fulfillment. Charity When you are feeling alone and lacking inspiration offering your services for charity work is an excellent way to feel more fulfilled. Charity work helps you in many ways. It will assist you in living the...

Can a Prophet Interpret Your Visions and Dreams?...

Dreams and visions are often difficult to understand. Do they have hidden meanings that need to be interpreted? Are they just imaginations in our subconscious thought process? The truth about visions and dreams is that they are in fact trying to tell you something. God speaks to people through their dreams, if he feels that they are not listening in other ways. Since most people do not have a clue as to how to interpret their own dreams, they can get the answers that they need by visiting with a prophet. Prophets are skilled and knowledgeable on how to interpret the dreams that you are having. Dream interpretation is actually a large part of what prophetic ministry can do. Dream Interpretation through Prophecy Prophets get visions from God about what our dreams mean. They can then convey to us the message that God is trying to get across. Throughout history we can see in the bible how Daniel and other prophets were able to interpret dreams. Even though dreams seem very vivid at times, everything in them may not be as it appears. When people dream they will often see objects or people in their dreams, but these may just be symbols or clues on what God is trying to tell you. For instance, in the bible Joseph saw the moon, sun, and 11 stars in his dreams. When deciphering this, he never literally saw these symbols, but he did see his 11 brothers and his father. The sun, moon, and stars represented his family in his dreams. Are Dream Interpretations Accurate? Prophets are very powerful at accurately interpreting dreams. They are visionaries of God, and God allows them to see the messages that he is trying to get across. Prophets are extremely in-tune...