Whether you’re building a new home and need a complete roofing system put in place, or are having a roof repaired or replaced on an existing home, you’ll generally get the best results when you select a qualified commercial roofer to do the work. Even though a commercial roofing crew appear to be going about their task quickly and without much fuss, there are a number of things that have to be done exactly right when installing a new roof or replacing an old one. If the work is not done to exacting standards or there are details that have not been attended to, the final result will be often unsatisfactory, leaving the homeowner to possibly have to face trouble and additional expense down the road. The commercial roofer you select for the job should be able to give you detailed information in at least these two areas. • A commercial roofer should be able to provide sound advice with respect to the products involved, and be able to tell you which materials would be best suited for your particular project. He should know how much of a factor climate extremes that are sometimes encountered in the South Windsor area are in determining what the proper roofing materials should be. The material he selects will depend a great deal on the type of roof you have. The color of your roofing may be an important factor to you as well. • The roofer should give you a detailed explanation of the procedures involved. He should explain what needs to be done and why, so that the final product will be wind resistant, meet applicable fire standards, and be long-lasting, in addition to being an attractive roof to look at. Your roofer should be able...