The Great American Cigar Story...

American entrepreneurship and business acumen couldn’t want for a better example than the history behind Swisher Sweet Little Cigars. Little cigars are generally popular today for three reasons: – Lower prices; not only because they contain less tobacco than a full size cigar but, also because of taxation advantages when compared to cigarettes.With restrictions on where people can smoke anything; cigar lovers might want a quick smoke (during a break) rather than sit and savor a cigar for an hour.Should a cigar smoker wish to have “extras” like fruit flavored tobacco or built in wooden mouthpieces; these are, generally, only found on or with little cigars. Possibly the world’s most popular small cigar is made by the Swisher International Group and sold under the brand name of Swisher Sweet Little Cigars. The Swisher company is now a multi-national group with worldwide sales; but it grew to become that from somewhat humble beginnings that started before 1861. At one time; Cuba was considered to be the only true home of quality cigars; the tobacco was both grown and made into cigars within Cuba; this was largely under the control of a few rich landowners with their plantations and large numbers of workers to grow, harvest and cure their tobacco and, of course hand roll the finished product. Over time, some Cubans migrated to (nearby) Florida to set up businesses that would import raw tobacco from Cuba and make cigars inside the USA; especially in and around Tampa; but also elsewhere. By 1861 there were several such enterprises engaged in cigar manufacture. At this time; one David Swisher; who was a trader who purchasing goods in the East to transport them in wagons to the new settlements to the West (for sale to anyone who would...