Grapes: Tasty for You, Possibly Lethal for Your Dog...

There are several different kinds of foods that are perfectly safe for human beings that can be toxic or even fatal for our pets. One that often surprises dog owners is grapes and, logically enough, raisins. However, even a handful of grapes or raisins, con prove lethal for your dog and if your dog has consumed any raisins or grapes, you should get your dog to an Austin pet clinic as soon as possible. Of course, it would not be normal for us to feed our dogs grapes, but whether your dog should retrieve some from a kitchen counter, get fed some by a child who did not know any better, or otherwise have the opportunity to get access to grapes, the most likely immediate symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea. However, subsequent symptoms that may develop over a period of days would be lethargy, signs of abdominal pain, and becoming anorexic. The largest concern is that your dog’s kidneys would begin to shut down and lead to your dog’s death. That is why getting to the pet clinic as soon as possible is so important. If your dog has consumed even a few grapes or raisins, but you cannot get your dog to the pet clinic, for whatever reason, it is important that you try to get your dog to vomit so that you can get the toxic substance out of your dog’s body. However, even if you get your dog to vomit (if you are able to do so), you cannot be certain that your dog has thrown all of the grapes or raisins, so you will still want to get your dog to the pet clinic as quickly as you can. In the meantime, continue to monitor your dog for any of...