3M electrodes are used for many testing procedures, including the ECG and EKG. Since they are disposable, there is no risk of contamination between patients. These electrodes do not contain latex and they are hypoallergenic. Once the box of electrodes is open, it can last up to 30 days. If you are stocking up, unopened boxes can last for 30 days. Home Use for 3M Electrodes For patients who need to use these electrodes at home, the good news is that you can use them multiple times, as long as only one person is using them. If there is someone else in your home that needs to use them, they need to use their own, and then they can use the electrodes multiple times. Cardiology Patients 3M ECG electrodes are part of any cardiologist’s toolbox as they are an integral part of the monitoring process. These small sticky patches are connected by lead wires that connect to the machine that monitors the patient’s heart. Sometimes, patients find an errant patch after they arrive home. If this happens and they call your practice just reassure them that all is well and they can simply throw the patch away. Reassuring Patients Some patients may never have had these tests before thus they have never had these sticky pads placed on their skin. When you notice this, reassure them that no electricity will pass through their body. It’s also important to tell the patient about how long the test will last so they can relax and let the technologist do their...