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Advice From a Dentist in Peachtree City to Prevent Cavities in Children

As part of their family dentistry practice, a Dentist in Peachtree City educates their patients on how to take care of their teeth and gums to try to prevent problems from happening in the first place. Your teeth are bones, and they are served by blood vessels and nerves. Cavities in the teeth can expose these delicate nerves, resulting in very painful conditions and much more expensive procedures than what it costs to have a couple professional teeth cleanings every year. It pays to take care of your teeth. You may well be able to keep them for a lifetime.

The Dentist in Peachtree City recommends starting early with you children to prevent problems down the road. Of course, they will eventually lose all of their baby teeth anyway, but that is no reason to assume that dental hygiene is not just as important as with their permanent teeth. The baby teeth, which are called the primary teeth, are there for normal chewing and speaking functions, but they are also there as placeholders for the adult teeth coming up after them so that those teeth erupt in the right location and position.

Beginning with babies, the Dentist in Peachtree City recommends that parents keep the pacifier clean. Some parents suck on it to clean it off, but that can actually transfer bacteria to the child, so it’s better to rinse off the pacifier instead. Also, dentists say parents shouldn’t dip the pacifier in something sweet to soothe the child, because the sugars will get concentrated onto the teeth.

Another area of caution is the sippy cup. Dentists recommend that parents no longer use them for children past one year of age, because the way the sippy cup is designed, with only a little liquid flowing through at a time, it keeps the liquid around the front teeth. Since the sippy cup often contains juice, which has sugar, that’s bad for the teeth.

Along with losing the sippy cup after the first birthday, this is also the right time for a child to have his or her first visit to the Dentist in Peachtree City. At some point, the dentist can also apply a sealant to the child’s teeth to help protect the teeth from getting cavities.

Along with losing the sippy cup after the first birthday, this is also the right time for a child to have his or her first visit to the Dentist in Peachtree City. Visit us at Website Domain to know more about the services.