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You’ll never have to dread Spring again!

There are certain seasons of the year that people dread about, and one of them is spring. The reason for this is because it’s often referred to as allergy season. At this time of year, trees start to blossom and flowers bloom, which is very pretty; but for some people, it’s a time of stress.

Pollen is one of the biggest causes of allergies in St Augustine, and people can end up feeling very unwell because of it. If you have an allergy to pollen, you may suffer cold-like symptoms which include a runny nose, difficulty in breathing, and sore or itchy eyes.

If you have children that suffer in this way, it’s likely they will grow out of it; however for adults, many experts in the medical profession believe there is no longer any cure. The only thing you can do is try to keep the symptoms under control.

This can be done in a variety of ways. It’s worth paying a visit to your local pharmacy to ask about products they can recommend, and there are also various home remedies you can use. The first thing to do, however, is to pay a visit to a professional who can do an allergy test. Because the symptoms of an allergy to pollen are very similar to colds or flu, some people make the mistake of administering inappropriate treatments.

This is why it’s important to find out first if you have an allergy. It’s not just pollen that can cause allergies in St Augustine; there are a whole host of other things that can cause people to suffer.

Food allergies are one of the most difficult to pin-point because people have varied diets, so tracking down which food is causing the problem can be hard. However, if you think you have an allergy to a certain food, the best thing to do is to start keeping a diary of the foods you eat and watch out for the occurrence of the symptoms.

The other thing you can do is have a food allergy test. Whilst it’s not the same for everyone, there are some common foods that cause allergies, and a doctor can do a simple test to find out which food is making you feel unwell. Aside from pollen and food, something else that can cause allergies is the air we breathe.

Air can not only carry pollen, but it can also carry other particles we don’t see. This can be anything from dust to other micro-organisms that can cause breathing problems. What’s important is that if you think you’re suffering from an allergy, you should get it confirmed by an expert. Once you have, you will be on the road to keeping it under control.

As said, there are various ways to do this, and if you’re someone who prefers to steer clear of medical drugs, there are plenty of herbal remedies on the market which will help to keep your symptoms at bay.

Allergies St Augustine – If you suffer from allergies in St Augustine, Business Name will be able to give you expert advice on how to keep your symptoms under control.