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Conserve Energy with Data Center Energy Management
Now is the perfect time to start saving energy and money. Businesses all over the United States are incorporating new techniques and energy management initiatives that save them power and money. They are utilizing software that identifies their active power, environmental trends, cost, and energy levels so they can make choices that are better for their business and the environment. Data centers have many different options when it comes to data center energy consumption. Corporations need DCIM software to adequately control energy usage and save money. This is done by understanding how energy is being used, what is drawing more energy, and how to find ways to reduce energy usage and still maintain an environment that is safe for all of your IT equipment.
Be Smart Concerning Your Energy Use
In order to conserve your business’ energy use you need to be able to effectively measure it. This will give you the knowledge you need to use energy wisely. You need energy solutions in the form of software that can measure and monitor the energy used by your facilities. This includes providing reports and using dashboards within data centers. It also allows you to increase temperatures without the risk while driving your energy savings even higher.
Get the Most Out of Energy Management Software
Corporations require standard based energy management software that monitors UPSs, building meters, environment sensors, intelligent rack PDUs and floor PDUs. All information should be consolidated into reports that enable you to conserve power and save money, drive green data centers, sustain initiatives, and calculate Green Grid’s PUE by levels 1, 2, and 3. All of this allows you to take control of your energy consumption with an intelligent solution for energy management within your data centers.
Sustain Your Corporation with Initiatives that Are Green
Being able to sustain a corporation with advantages that are green allows a business to remain within government regulations such as the EU Code of Conduct, trade initiatives, and carbon caps. What business does not want to be able to generate savings so they can collect generous carbon credits and energy rebates? You can do all this and actually reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that are directly related to global warming. Professional software used to collect this data can be test driven to prove it meets the requirements set forth by your business. By monitoring the program you will be able to find the solutions that help you invest in a brighter future that proves your business is paving the way for green solutions to energy problems. Build your data center infrastructure with software solutions that were created to provide the answers you need concerning energy consumption.
Raritan Inc. can assist you with learning more about your data center energy consumption. Visit their extensive website to learn more about their superior data center software.
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