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When to Have Bed Bug Removal in Portland

Bed bugs are small bugs that are oval in shape. They are often brown, although the younger bugs may appear as a yellowish color. These tiny insects are flat, meaning they can fit through anywhere, even the tiniest cracks and creases. These bugs feed on people while they are asleep at night.. But just how does someone know if they have bed bugs? And when is it time to call someone for Bed bug Removal in Portland?

Signs on the Skin

The first signs most people are going to find will be on themselves. The bed bugs will leave red marks in the spots they have bitten. They most often will bite in a straight row, normally on the arms. If a resident finds a few red marks on their arms or other part of their upper body, and they seem to be very near each other, almost in a row, then it is a good indication that there have been bed bugs biting them. They will also feel itchy, just like with any other insect bite.

Signs in the Room

The signs of bed bugs within the room itself may be harder to spot. The residents of the home will have to go looking for them. The very first place to check is the mattress, and not only the top of it, but underneath and in the box spring as well. They could be hiding anywhere. The bed bugs hide together, meaning the area will consist of many bugs, not just a few. There will be eggs, brown adult bugs, yellow young bugs, and even specs of blood and feces. This area is their nest where they are all hiding together, although there may be single bugs out and about throughout the room.

Once any of these things have been found, it is time to make a call. If bed bugs are left, they will continue to bite people in the night. No one wants to wake up feeling itchy with marks all over them. A pest control technician will be able to stop the bed bug infestation, and get it removed so they are no longer a problem. Anyone who finds signs of bed bugs should call immediately to get someone out to the house as soon as possible. The sooner the problem is resolved, the better for everyone.

A pest control technician will be able to stop the bed bug infestation, visit Haltpestcontrol.com today to hire exterminator.