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The History of a Company of Prophets
Have you ever heard the team a “company of prophets“? If you have ever read the Bible, you surely have. Commonly called a school or prophets or even a college of prophets these days, the most well known company of prophets was from the Bible and included biblical prophets like Elisha, Elijah and Samuel. You may think that these schools of prophets are a thing of the past, but it simply isn’t true. Even today, you can find companies made up of amazing prophets with exceptional talent, you simply need to know where to look.
The Biblical Prophets
If you have ever read the Bible, you will see how, throughout the thousands of years of writings, prophets were mentioned over and over again. The best known group of prophets, or company, was that mentioned in the Book of Kings. In that book, the prophet Elisha speaks of his work as prophet, i.e. caring for another prophet’s widow, presided at the meal and was put in charge of the building of the companies dwelling. These acts, were just some of the daily things the prophet did in addition to receiving messages from God and sharing these messages with the people.
Modern Day Prophets
Though more people may know of the biblical prophets, as most people have some sense of what is in the Bible, there are of course, modern day prophets, as well. These prophets, in many cases, do much of the same work as the biblical ones did. They care for their congregations, as many are well known religious leaders, they help to preside over meals, meetings and other events, and they lead as those that came before them did. Modern day prophets, of course, also have been given the gift of prophecy, meaning they are given the word of God to share with the people.
Finding a Prophet
Finding a modern day prophet is easier than you may think. You only need to go online, search for a master prophet, and you will be directed to modern day prophets who would be more than happy to hear from you. You can receive a prophecy, read their lessons, watch them speak online and much more. All it takes is you reaching out to a modern day prophet and you can hear the message that God has for you.
To access a modern company of prophets, reach out to the website, Website Domain.
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