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Boost your Kill Rate with a PS3 Rapid Fire Controller
If you are someone who just loves to play games on your PS3 that involves tons of action, plenty of shooting and just plain killing off the enemy then you need a PS3 rapid fire controller! These controllers will enhance your gaming experience and if you play in tournaments or competitions, you will find yourself climbing the ranks in no time
Whilst a standard controller for your PS3 will work fine for most people who like to play games that involve shooting but don’t play that often or are not too bothered about beating the game they’re playing; for the more serious gamers, you will need something with a bit more power and will help kill off the enemy fast.
A PS3 rapid fire controller will turn your chosen weapon from semi-automatic to fully automatic which means you can kill more of the bad guys way quicker than before. Not only that, if you choose a wireless controller of this type you can really get involved with the action because you can move around the room whilst shooting the enemy. This will help to enhance your gaming experience to the point where you will almost feel as if you are in amongst the action for real.
Some standard controllers will require you to hold down two buttons in order for you to be able to access the rapid fire option; with a PS3 rapid fire controller this is not the case. One button and you’re fully automated; you can fire off as many rounds as you like at a pace that will see your enemy falling at your feet! For those of you that play in competitions or tournaments, see how fast you move up the rankings with this type of controller and not only that you’ll have fun doing it.
A PS3 rapid fire controller will be something that you will have to purchase as an accessory to your gaming machine but if you are serious about beating the war games you play, they are a must have. There isn’t just one mode of rapid fire you can use; for instance, if you have multiple bad guys coming at you all at once, you can hold down one button and see them off in an instant. However, there may be times when you want to play a stealth attack which means you will still need rapid fire but not constantly.
With a PS3 rapid fire controller, you have the option to tap the rapid fire button so that it sends off accurate rounds of ammunition but in a manner in which you can control; after all, you don’t want to end up killing off any civilians now do you?
All in all this type of PS3 controller is well worth the money, especially if you have been trying to beat the one and only war game for what seems like an eternity. It’s also worth noting that these types of PS3 controllers are compatible with pretty much all games.
If you are interested in buying a PS3 rapid fire controller, XenoModz is the perfect source for you.
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