Make the Most Out of Consign Handbags

If you love designer handbags and have a few laying around the house that you no longer use, you can make the best of both worlds with consign handbags. Consignment shops are the latest up and coming place to sell designer clothing and handbags you no longer use, making it a great way to make a little extra money. The best thing about consignment shops is that you can turn around and use the money you made on your sales and purchase other designer handbags at the same consignment store. Using consignment stores is a great way to make the most out of your wardrobe without breaking the bank.

Many consignment shops will consign handbags, which means you get a certain percentage of the sale of the handbag without having to do any work. This is a great way for busy people to sell their handbags without having to deal with the hassle of listing the item, paying the listing fees and monitoring the item as people look at it. When you give your handbag to a consignment store, they handle all of the aspects of selling your handbag for you. The advantage to using a consignment shop to sell your designer handbags is the great amount of exposure your bag will get, especially if you use a well-known consignment shop.

Another use for consignment shops is to purchase designer handbags. Consign handbags are typically a small fraction of the original price of the handbag, making it easier for women of all income levels to afford their dream handbag. Whether you have had your eye on a certain brand or style handbag or you just like to buy designer handbags periodically, when you buy your handbags from consignment stores, you will get more for your money, possibly even having the ability to purchase more than one purse for less than the original price of one.

Many women love designer handbags, but not all women can afford their original prices. Luckily, consignment stores are becoming trendier, giving women more options when it comes to buying designer handbags. You can consign handbags to be sold for you, taking the hard work out of selling, while still giving you a percentage of what the purse sells for. You can also purchase purses from a consignment store, allowing you to have the designer purse you have always dreamed of without paying the hefty prices that typically accompany them.

For the widest variety of designer consign handbags, visit Fashionphile. You will find the widest variety of brand names that include the brands that only the stars carry. Shop for your next designer purse at Fashionphile. Visit them at